Monday, September 19, 2011

In the Swing of Things

We certainly are back in full swing!  We have been very busy learning the routines and procedures of 4th grade.  In English, we are working with nouns.  Today we learned some rules for when a noun ends in a -y.  In Science, we are studying the scientific method, and today we did an experiment in which we tried to "Save Fred."  "Fred" is a gummy worm who lost his life jacket (a gummy lifesaver).  The students had to figure out how to get Fred's life jacket on him without touching him or the life jacket with their hands.  They could only use paperclips.  It was lots of fun!  Below is a video of one of the groups solutions to how to "Save Fred."  Have a wonderful night!

Monday, September 12, 2011

And we're off...

Wow, is all I can say!  What a busy Monday.  We are finally into our normal routine of switching classes.  In english, we are beginning to learn about nouns, we took our first spelling pre-test, we are delving into the scientific method in science, and we picked new books from our classroom library to read.  Today your student should have brought home a letter explaining the 40 Book Challenge.  We talked about this in class today.  Please read through this note, sign, and return the bottom portion.  As for other firsts, tomorrow is our first day of band!  How exciting!  See you tomorrow!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Off to a great start!

We're off to a great start this school year.  Today we did our first full day of switching classes.  We went to Mrs. Kort's room for social studies and math.  We also got our first "real" homework today.  I hope the kids are still this excited about homework come December!  Mrs. Brooke came to teach us guidance today.  Below is a picture of her and the students discussing what "bullying" is and is not.  See if your child can tell you!  We are having a wonderful time, but I think we're all glad that it is Friday tomorrow.  What are we going to do when we have to go to school for FIVE whole days next week?!?  Don't forget to check out the homework tab of our website to see what was assigned for homework today.  I will try to update it daily by 3:00pm.  Thanks for reading!  Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Terrific Tuesday

We were back for a full day today, but I had to keep reminding myself that it was Tuesday, not Monday.  I guess that is a good problem to have!  We were very busy today learning all sorts of procedures and routines.  We started to work on our "Star of the Week" stuff and tonight your child is bringing home the paper for their timeline.  You can start these at anytime at home.  They are due on Monday, September 19th.  Here's some pictures of us working on our "All About Me" posters.

We also spent some time in our classroom library looking at all the good books and picking out ones we would like to read.  We had our first "Book Frenzy" and got to check-out books to put in our book baskets.

Sooo many good books!

Picking out our favorites!

Look at those smiling faces!  We got our book baskets today!

What a busy and fun day!  Don't forget tomorrow is PICTURE DAY!  I can't wait to see all those bright smiles!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fabulous First Day

We had a fabulous first day back to school today.  We are learning a lot about "The Spartan Way."  Ask your child to tell you what this means.  We are back tomorrow for a FULL day!  Here's a few pictures of our first day activities.

Here we are practicing how we line up.

Ms. Muller is teaching us the expectations for when we get to school in the morning.

Mrs. Ellis talks about bus expectations.

See you tomorrow!



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