Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Praise the Lord, we are done testing!

As of today, we have completed our testing for the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills.  Thank goodness, now we can get back to the fun stuff!  In English, we learned about where our new pen pals were from and started writing a rough draft of the letter we will send to them later this week.  Ask your student to tell you what state our pen pals live in.  In Science, we have begun a unit on sound and light.  Yesterday, we did a "walk-around" to show what we already know about sound and light.  This week's spelling is a bit different than the unit in the book.  This week students were given a word list and a list of activities to complete using their words.  These activities are due on Friday.  Have a wonderful night!  Enjoy the weather while it lasts.




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